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Django Cassandra Engine - Getting Started#

  • Add django-cassandra-engine to INSTALLED_APPS in your file:
    INSTALLED_APPS = ['django_cassandra_engine'] + INSTALLED_APPS

Important note

This app should be the first app on INSTALLED_APPS list. This rule applies only to Django >= 1.7.

  • Change DATABASES setting:
        'default': {
            'ENGINE': 'django_cassandra_engine',
            'NAME': 'db',
            'TEST_NAME': 'test_db',
            'HOST': ',',
            'OPTIONS': {
                'replication': {
                    'strategy_class': 'SimpleStrategy',
                    'replication_factor': 1
  • Define some model(s) in your Django app:
    #  myapp/
    import uuid
    from cassandra.cqlengine import columns
    from django_cassandra_engine.models import DjangoCassandraModel

    class ExampleModel(DjangoCassandraModel):
        example_id   = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
        example_type = columns.Integer(index=True)
        created_at   = columns.DateTime()
        description  = columns.Text(required=False)
  • Run ./ sync_cassandra in order to sync your models with Cassandra.

  • Done!

That was simple, right? I want more!.